
Hello World!

Hello World!

I’m Ally Lim and I am a Magic 89.9 FM Junior Jock/Retired college Track & Field athlete and now a serious recreational long distance runner/Voice Over Talent/Shakespeare Thespian/Diva…and most of all a GO-GETTER!

With that go-getter attitude, comes the desire to constantly take on new challenges.  Since I started running when I was 18, I vowed to myself I’d finish a full 42 km marathon before I graduated college.  So here I am starting a blog to make sure I document my journey and accomplish my goal.

I’m also a sportswriter for The GUIDON, so I’ll be posting my published articles here.  I used to run track (I’ll post about this soon) so I’ll definitely be posting about track training programs, track competitions and track athletes.  Aside from this, expect posts about sports news, workout programs, fashion, make up, diet, events, and other sports (aside from running) too.

“The Chickzilla” is the name I chose for this blog because when I was on a beach trip once, a friend noted how tall I was (I am 5 feet 6.5 inches) compared to the rest of the girls with us.  He proceeded to nickname me “Chickzilla”.  Over time the name evolved to mean many other things.  When I’d overtake men at races, I’d be called chickzilla.  When I’d get really angry, I’d be called chickzilla.  When I would squat heavier weights than men at the gym would, I’d be called chickzilla.  When I would be rockin a fierce outfit with skyscraper heels, I’d also be called chickzilla.  The name now means: a woman who is strong, athletic, and fierce (the “zilla” portion) but still feminine, stylish and fabulous (the “chick” portion).

I hope you find this blog interesting and useful or can relate to it on some level.  I also hope to entertain you!